Forum Discussion

LisaGSA's avatar
Trusted Cover User
2 years ago

Employee Card File Changes - AUDIT

We have recently had an audit and one of the findings was the limited control of reviewing changes to employees card files. 
Other than the Online Owner getting an email when bank details have been changed what other audit trails are there if details are changed in the employees card?

Is there a report that I can generate that will show what details have been changed for each in the card files & potentially who made those changes (we have multiple people with access to our payroll).
Ideally, i would be good to run a report for a select dates, so that it can be reviewed when payroll is reviewed/approved.
Thanks :)

  • Hi LisaGSA

    Thanks for your post. 


    As mentioned previously there is no report in the app that produces the data you are looking for.  Rest assured we will raise this idea to our team. 


    If you have any concerns or questions feel free to let us know. 




  • Hi LisaGSA 


    Unfortunately you can't track changes this way, but I can see that it could be useful for auditing purposes!


    It won't necessarily help you as staff can still make changes without being tracked, but what I've implemented is that whenever a change is made to an employee card, the person making the change puts an entry in the Contact Log summarising which changes have been made, e.g. change of address as per copy of lease, changed hourly rate as per new contract signed on 1/6/23, changed superfund from Sun Super to Australian Super as per e-mail on 13 May, etc. etc. 


    PS. It's not the report you're after, but you're probably already aware of the Session Security Audit Report, where you're able to at least see when a user logged on and off, even though you won't be able to see if they made any changes to carrd files.






    • LisaGSA's avatar
      Trusted Cover User

      Thanks vidario1 

      I already have a similar file to track changes for payroll, but I may look at something like you have mentioned for the auditors. 

      Hopefully MYOB can develop some sort of audit report as I'm sure many companies would find this useful.  

      • Genreve_S's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi LisaGSA

        Thanks for your post. 


        As mentioned previously there is no report in the app that produces the data you are looking for.  Rest assured we will raise this idea to our team. 


        If you have any concerns or questions feel free to let us know. 


