Forum Discussion

Webb1's avatar
Experienced Cover User
5 years ago

Importing Journals


I have been having trouble importing a payroll costing journal for the last 3 months now.  Everytime I try to do it it comes up with an error and tells me that it has to close.  Not sure why this is happening.  I have attached the error report in case needed.

Can anyone suggest a fix as it take for ever doing it manually.



  • Hi Webb1 


    Ensuring that you aren't linking the same import field to multiple AccountRight fields is something that we have seen in appearing in reach versions. From memory, with AccountRight 2020.1 and onwards, having those import fields matched to multiple AccountRight fields would generate the error you are experiencing.

  • Hi Webb1 

    We've seen some similar cases in AccountRight 2020.1 and later of this particular message occurring. You typically see it generated if you have more than one field in the import file being matched to multiple AccountRight fields. For example, in your import file, you have the field invoice number and attempt to match this field to both the invoice number and journal memo in the import process. This has been something that has been flagged with the required team for further investigation.


    In the meantime, the recommendation would be to update the import file to include two separate fields; one for each of the import field and then match those fields respectively when importing into AccountRight.

    • Webb1's avatar
      Experienced Cover User


      Thanks for the below response, but the only thing in this file that doubles up is the Dr & Cr entries if you know what I mean.  I have tried just putting in one dr & cr but it requires 2.  I will have a look at anything else that is doubling up but I don't think there is anything.  Do you have any other suggestions what it might be.




      • Steven_M's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi Webb1 


        So we can investigate further can you provide a copy of the import file that you are using. In addition to that getting a list of what fields in the import file you are matching to what AccountRight field would be ideal (or a screenshot of the Match window when importing would be sufficient).