Forum Discussion

Jaydana1's avatar
Contributing User
2 years ago

Making Unused Payroll Categories "Non-Active" In Timesheets

I realise that any payroll category that has been used payroll category cannot be "unticked" , but there needs to be a checkbox inside that category to make it no longer active so that when doing timesheets, it is no longer in the dropdown box to avoid mistakes happening and selecting the wrong item.  Our Company does not use the standard T1/2, D Time categories and for one person who started as a casual, then was given a pay rise then went to full time then another pay rise his payroll categories created read like a book.  To make it easier, I should be able to make them "non-active" to not allow them to be shown as an option to use in Timesheets anymore.  If you want them to print out on his payslip etc ... thats not a doesn't worry me... but make my life a little easier when it comes to doing Timesheets so I only have the categories that I actually want for any person at any given time.

  • Princess_R's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Jaydana1 


    Thank you for your post.


    I understand your concern about the system and I appreciate you taking time to post and share this in our Community forum. At the moment having the option to select used category in timesheet as non active is not available. We will surely pass this feedback to the relevant team. We will also keep you updated on a newly released features.


    For the meantime you can try to change the used payroll categories to salary against to what is set as your pay basis. 


    Please let me know how you go about this.







    • Jaydana1's avatar
      Contributing User

      Hi, thank you for your response, unfortunately that wouldn't work as the categories are still used by other workers just not this person.  We need to be able to de-activate categories for each person, individualise it for each employee with a checkbox in their card so that when you go to Timesheets, only their own personal active payroll categories are showing in the dropdown box under their name for quicker, easier and "no mistakes" processing.

      • Princess_R's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi Jaydana1 



        Thank you for your response. I understand that you want to have the availability to deselect or remove a payroll category that has been used on a timesheet. However, due to the way AccountRight operates in the background if a wage category has been used on a timesheet for an employee that wage category would not be able to be deselected or deactivate from them. 


        As we valued your suggestions/feedback we will pass this to the relevant team. We also recommend posting ideas in our AccountRight Idea exchange for consideration by our developers. 


        Please feel free to post again, I'm happy to assist.


