Forum Discussion

H-TS's avatar
Trusted User
20 days ago

Own vehicle cents per kilometre tracking

Has anyone found a way to enter/record own vehicle cents per kilometre allowances in a way that also allows you to report on how many have been paid per employee so we can monitor if someone is close to the 5,000km limit before the tax rate changes?


We have the allowance set as an hourly item at the cents per km rate and the quantity in the pay entry screen is the number of kilometres.


On the standard Payroll Summary report, we can see the total quantity paid to everyone but can't filter by employee. On the Payroll Activity Detail and Payroll Category Transaction reports, we can filter by employee but only get the dollar value. I guess we could manually divide by the rate to get the number of km but surely there's a way to get this onto a report?


It's seems like it should be pretty standard for any software claiming to be payroll software. 


We don't use the browser version but I did check the report options there too. If there is a useful report there, I'm open to that suggestion too.


The data is all there, I just can't get it onto a report. I've contacted support and was told it's not possible but I know there have been other instances where I've found workarounds so I'm hoping this brains trust will have a better answer.


(Please don't suggest third party report providers - we'll just track it manually if it can't be done in MYOB.)

  • Genreve_S's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi H-TS


    Your use case is unique. Since the number of kilometers is recorded as the number of hours for the category, you need a report that focuses solely on the number of hours accrued for the employee in that specific category. Currently, the software does not support this type of report. This may be a good suggestion to post on the Ideas Exchange board for other users to vote on. 


    Let us know if you need any other help.








  • H-TS's avatar
    Trusted User

    Thanks Genreve.


    I don't think my use case could be unique since this is the method recommended on the MYOB help pages for setting up allowances.


    If, however, I've misunderstood the help page and there's a better way to process these payments, I'm open to changing it so we can report on it and not double-handle the information. Any alternative suggestions you have will be gratefully received.


    I meant to add this as a suggestion at the same time but forgot although I really don't know why I bother sometimes. Voting and comments from other users are ignored and MYOB developers seem to do whatever they like with no understanding of how real-world users actually need the software to work.