Payroll report as updated or new pay run
I'm seeking a little more clarification on selecting "NEW" or "UPDATED" when it comes to any changes to the original pay run.
In the scenario below, the new pay is only for the overtime and allowance which are in addition to the original pay. The original pay run was not reversed. An UPDATED pay run means it overwrites the original one. Thus, I think this pay run should also select "NEW pay".
Example 4
You recorded a pay yesterday but forgot to pay an employee some overtime or an allowance. You record a new pay, just to pay the overtime or allowance, and you choose yesterday as the Date of payment. Because this date is prior to today and you're fixing a previous pay, you'd choose Report as an updated pay run.
Thank you
Hi talinga,
Thank you for your response and sorry for the confusion.
In scenario 1, ATO will only include the new pay run because the first incorrect pay run was reversed. If you have already recorded a reversal for the pay run the amount won't be added to the YTD totals.
On the other hand, the first pay run in scenario 4 was not reversed. Hence the totals of the two pay runs will be added to the YTD report.
Let us know if you still have questions. We're happy to help.