Forum Discussion

vulcanogelato's avatar
Experienced User
3 years ago

prepare electronic payments window

I prepared the payroll and the information is sitting in the prepare electronic payments, the problem I have is that I had to pay the payroll manually and I didn't use the bank file function to prepare the details for banking.  Is there anyway to clear the details sitting in the electronic payments window as the payroll has successfully been paid.

  • I created an aba file then I put through a journal entry to reverse the journal entry that was created and this solved the problem

  • LRBooks61's avatar
    Ultimate Cover User



    Although you paid the payroll manually you still need to create the transaction into the bank in MYOB


    If the transactions are sitting in the electronic clearing account I suggest that you prepare as usual and create the aba file , you just don't upload to bank. 

    This will create the payroll transaction so that you can reconcile your bank account


    Hope that helps



    • vulcanogelato's avatar
      Experienced User

      my bank account reconciles, I don't know how to clear them 

      • LRBooks61's avatar
        Ultimate Cover User



        The transaction that matched your bank feed entry was it the payrun or was it manually entered?


        You said that you manually paid the payroll but didn't create the aba file , which in turn creates the MYOB transaction to match.


        I would suggest that you check that the reconciled transaction is the actual payrun

