STP EOFY Finalization Reporting Error
This morning whilst preparing to finalize our payroll to the ATO via STP we ran the STP Year-to date verification report to check these figures against the Payroll Activity Summary report for the same period. Both these figures matched.
30 mins later, when we were going to finalize and lodge, the STP Year-to date verification report figures had drastically changed - for one employee, their gross wages are missing around 30k. However, the Payroll Activity Summary report is still correct. (as is their payroll history etc)
We have looked for any cause and can't find a reaon why the figures changed in 30 mins.
In these 30 mins between running both reports, we -
1. Upgraded the file to the new version. (but did not load the new tax tables)
2. Re-sent a payroll file to the ATO from during the year that did not send.
So now what? We have until Wednesday at the latest till our next pay run to sort this out. Is it a MYOB glitch? What are the fixes?
We had the same issue a few weeks ago when we sent some old files that had nt been sent to the ATO. We ran zero pays to make all figures capture the latest info. This worked for all of ours and we were able to delete termination dates for any old employees so we could do these zero adjustment pays.
Hope this helps