Forum Discussion

Beach's avatar
3 years ago

STP Phase 2 paused!!!

So - would MYOB please advise how long the 'pause' on STP phase 2 might last??? I had clients booked in tomorrow morning for me  to assist them in setting up STP Phase 2.  Very lucky I went to one of the files today in preparation - only to find that my time tomorrow would be wasted.  Why on earth could MYOB not send out a bulk email to all MYOB customers and partners regarding this issue. I would have wasted 2 hours of my time yesterday driving to site only to find there was nothing I could do. 

    • Beach's avatar

      thanks... but a heads up to MYOB customers and partners (I am a partner and knew nothing about the pause) would save some of us a lot of  wasted time, and, at this time of the year, wasted time is the last thing we need.

      • WayneC's avatar
        Experienced Partner

        I agree!!

        The lack of notification and communication is appalling. We are MYOB partners too, and the only way we found out about the pause was because I spent a long time in a phone support queue (another big issue!) and there was a hold message advising of the pause. I recently did a lot of digging just to try and find out if the pause was still on, and there wasnt any stand alone articles that covered it. Ended up finding a small paragraph hidden away in a getting ready for STP 2 type article somewhere, that I can only assume is still current (there was not date on it, so who knows. There are lots of out of date support articles out there). 

        We need to be notified about these sorts of things so we can plan our workload of clients we will need to assist with the change over.


        It is the same with updates to MYOB Business. We arent notified of changes in there unless we happen to catch sporadic in app messaging. Often it is ads for finance or loan products though.


        MYOB dont seem to have a problem in sending us emails about their latest sales promotions or price increases though. We get plenty of those! More interested in trying to get us to sell their product than provide decent support and product updates. 


  • I have just tried to commence STP Phase 2 and am still getting the paused message as pe below - still not very helpful and I can;t find any answers anywhere !!

    "Preparing for Single Touch Payroll Phase 2

    Transitioning to STP Phase 2

    We’ve hit pause on transitions to STP 2 right now, while we make some improvements.
    Hold tight and watch this space – moving to STP 2 will be back soon."

    • Melisa_D's avatar
      Former Staff

      Hi MarcDrew


      STP Phase 2 is still currently paused as per that message you've received, as such you won't be able to transition to Phase 2 at this time. When this is back up and running an update will be made on this Help Article