Forum Discussion

Stins's avatar
Experienced Cover User
6 years ago

STP Year to date reporting incorrect - ETPs


I am using AR 2019.2


I am reconciling payroll reports for year end and notice that any employees that have had an ETP payment where I have had to amend (ie delete and redo a payroll) it is duplicating the entries.


For example:  One employee, I put the ETP tax under PAYG and vice versa.  I realised this after I had done the payroll and sent report to ATO.  I deleted the transaction and reentered it correctly.  When I checked the report sent to ATO the YTD amount was both the original ETP Tax and the new ETP Tax.  After looking up the forums, decided to send a nil transaction in the next pay for this employee and it then added the ETP tax again so now instead of showing as ETP payment $1106 and ETP tax $354 it shows ETP $3319 ($1106x3) and ETP tax $2372.00 ($1664+$354+$354).  This is not the only employee this has happened to.  It is the only one I have worked out exactly where the error is.


The payroll reports show ETP Payments to be $18,787.00 whereas the MYOB ATO YTD verification report shows the total as $47,674 so there are a lot more errors than I am aware of.  I have also run the payment summaries process like we have in prior years and the payment summaries are correct and balance back to other MYOB payroll reports and the general ledger.  


I have spoken to the ATO to find out if what they are receiving is different to what is being reported on MYOB but the person I spoke to could not answer it so they have escalated my call.  I will now have to go through all the employees that have left to see if I can find which ones have a discrepancy.


Has anyone else had this issue?  Were you able to correct it?  ATO advised that someone else had called about same issue but could not say if it was with MYOB software. 


Thank you



**Moderator note: Post Subject has been edited for clarity (ETP)**

  • Hi Catherine

    I have a similar issue in that today I  compared the STP generated totals and for  every employee they are

    incorrect despite  all the pays showing as being accepted in the payroll reporting centre.  This makes my

    whole payroll out by over $200,00 for the year. So bizarre.  My payment summaries balance to the payroll

    register summary report so it is something to do with the transferring to ATO as your post suggests. Grr!

    • Stins's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Hi Anne


      I have just printed all the STP reports for terminated employee and each one has been reported more than once, some on different dates.  There are 11 ETP payments and all are incorrect and I didnt do a correction payroll on all of them as I think I would remember that.


      This is sooo frustrating.

    • Hi Catherine,


      Yes I am having the same problem.  STP totals are incorrect and not balancing to the MYOB reports. My whole payroll is also out over $200k. My payment summaries are all balancing to the payroll register summary report. 

      STP not showing Reportable Employer Super Contributions and not reducing the Gross but my payment summaries are all correct. I agree with is bizarre.

  • Danielle1122's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Ive had the same issue and after spending 40 minutes on hold to the ATO was told this is an issue to be dealt with by MYOB and that I should be able to process an updated pay event as nil dated 30/06/19 and then send the report to ATO through payroll reporting. I was advised this should then rectify it and bring the YTD in line with my payroll actiivity summary but I have tried this and recording a NIL payroll dosent send a report to the ATO and therefore update the YTD on the STP. Ive now been on hold to MYOB for over an hour and getting extreemly stressed and fustrated!! This is just made worse by the fact that I have a new payroll to be done today which cant be until I roll over the payroll year meaning I cant even pay our employees today until this is fixed!

    • MLopes's avatar

      Hi Heidi, I have this issue too! I tried running a NIL report but nothing comes up in the payroll reporting screen and it hasn't changed any figures... I have 480 employees and a discrepancy of close to $1m! 

      • Danielle1122's avatar
        Contributing Cover User

        I have now been on hold with MYOB for 1 hour and 31 minutes!! its beyond a joke! and unfortunatley now because its after 5pm even if I do manage to speak to someone and get it resolved (doubtful) our employees payroll wont go through until tomorrow. ATO cant assist, MYOB online live chat dosent work and the wait time on the phones cant even be measured as there is only hold music not even advising a que, details or apologies...