Forum Discussion

Mathilda's avatar
Trusted User
3 years ago

Superannuation settings

Afternoon all - I have a small payroll and all the employees are on an hourly wage, except for one which is employed on base salary.  If I change the super settings on his card to calculate 10% of hi...
  • Steven_M's avatar
    3 years ago

    Hi Mathilda 


    Payroll categories are linked to employees and thus each change that is made to a category will impact all employees linked to that payroll category.


    Typically, if you did need to change a payroll category for one employee (or a small number) you would create a new category and link the required employee(s) to that category. However, as you are dealing with a situation superannuation category my recommendation, in this case, would be to change the Calculation Basis of that category.

    I assume the calculation basis is set to be Equals 10% of Base Hourly, thus an employee that is paid Base Salary is not being included in that calculation. What I would be doing is updating that to be Equals 10% of Gross Wages. What this will do is calculate the superannuation on all the amounts paid to the employee. You may need to exempt some categories from that calculation so that they would not be included in that calculation to do that select the Exempt button and tick those categories. For example, say you need to not pay superannuation on Overtime, you would go into the category, select the Exempt button and tick Overtime. This way the amounts paid through the Overtime category are not included in that calculation but other categories like Base Hourly or Base Salary would be.