Forum Discussion

Tash2019's avatar
Experienced Cover User
3 years ago

Timeout Extender not working

Hi there,


I am having an issue running a few reports that continue to time out. I have followed the timeout extender instructions, increasing to 3600 seconds,  but still get the same result.


I am trying to run a payroll category transaction report for a 12 month period, this report usually takes several minutes to generate.


Within a minute or so I get the same error "Operation Timeout - An application operation has timed out. Would you like to retry this operation?" Hitting retry just provides the same result. 


I have checked the config file and confirmed the changes I made did save, both Timeout sections are set to 3600.


I have attached the diagnostic log.


Thank you



  • Tash2019's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Can someone from support respond to this please? I have tried to call MYOB twice, waiting on hold over an hour then got disconnected.

    • Tash2019's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Hi Melisa,


      We have tried both of your suggestions, then reinstated the timeout extender, which gave the same result. System timeouts within a few minutes. We have even tried running the reports for a shorter period, no success.


      Please advise solution, we have several EOFY reports to run.

