Hi Emily_B
I will try to answer all the questions you have asked again and will upload a collated file of screenshots.
Let me give you real figures - I will refer to a person called DB - (an actual staff member).
DB is the 2nd line down YTD 45898.30 PAYG YTD 10,924 - these are wrong
Screenshot 2 is the Summary of Payment for this staff member.
Screenshot 3 is the payment summary YTD for the same employee that went out on the last payroll run for this client whose reports were sent to the ATO.
Now lets us goto the Payroll Activity Summary report Screenshot 4 - the top red arrows points to this staff member.
Look at screenshot 3 - add back the meal allowance and the Gross on the Summary Report is exactly correct - as is the Report that has been transmitted to the ATO.
I have checked ALL staff members and what has been sent with the last payrun to the ATO is absolutely to the cent - correct.
Screenshot 5
Payroll Activity Detail - for the staff member which matches the ATO report exactly - just subtract meal allowance from the gross to get the ATO gross.
This report has been checked for all staff members.
For this staff member the difference between the correct amount
Gross 78954.80; Allowance 878.85; PAYG 18972 Super $6487.47
is Gross $33056.50; Allowance $418.50; PAYG 8048; Super $2697.06 (which suggests some pays didn't get transmitted) - but that isn't how it works because each payrun sends YTD figures.
Also if a particular category wasn't correctly allocated to Gross Payments (ie left unassigned) that would be obvious - because only the Gross would be out - but PAYG is correctly allocated; Super is correctly allocated, allowances are correctly allocated - they must be because some of it is showing.
Also the screeshot 5 would make it easy to see which category is not allocated - but following my reasoning the problem is not a category allocation problem - it cannot be.
Screenshot 6 is the Payroll Register Summary report exactly matching the Payroll activity
Screenshot 7 is a $0 payrun for DB to flush the figures
Send Payroll info to the ATO - CANCEL - continue without Declaring
Screenshot 8 - zero payrun
Screenshot 9 - the unsent YTD totals created from this $0 payrun to flush the figures correctly.
It matches what has already been sent to the ATO - they match the MYOB payroll summary
Go to the payroll reporting centre - and the figures for that staff member haven't changed remaining fixed on the wrong figures
Screenshot 10
I believe I have answered all of your questions in 1. below
Question 2 is not relevant - there are no differences between the flushed report on a $0 pay and the actual ATO received reports - MYOB is correct and allocating correctly - the reports to the ATO are correct.
THE PAyroll Reporting Centre is just not updating correctly despite getting inputs from MYOB.
Please look at the 1st person on this report - YTD 70,344.80 PAYG 15,932 ; meals 1395; Super 5291.12 for staff BS. - screenshot 11 - which is correct now - but was previously wrong and low by
$30,397.50 Gross; meals 558; PAYG 7166; Super 2887.76
To correct this - I 1st ran a $0 payrun on this staff member - this didn't fix it and it should according to your instructions.
I then ran a payrun for this staff member BS with a Gross of $30,397.50 ; meal $558; PAYG 7166 and super for $2887.76 - ran the pay - cancelled the declaration - then deleted that pay in MYOB leaving the MYOB figures correct.
Screenshot 12 is the unsent Payroll Report - which should have flushed the Payroll Reporting centre to these figures (which are in excess) - but what it did was correct the PAyroll Reporting to the correct figures for this employee.
However. the same process did not work on any of the other employees no matter what I did - $0 pays or adjustment pays.
The Payroll Reporting Centre is just not getting things right.
The Doc