Forum Discussion

LisaGSA's avatar
Trusted Cover User
5 years ago

Year-to-date Verification Report not balancing to payroll totals

Each month once i have finalsied payroll I check that the totals on the Year to Date Verification report match the totals on the Payroll Activity Statement.


LAst month (Jan) it was fine, I have now run a report again today to check and i can't get the GRoss payments to match. All other categories matcs


I have not set up any new payroll codes this month, it was a normal payroll. So I am unsure as to why things balanced last month, but not this month.

Any ideas on where or what I should look at to find the problem?


PS - I finish work shortly for the week, so will hopefully be sorting this out first thing Monday morning :)

  • Hi LisaGSA 


    Thanks so much for working with me, I'm glad we were able to resolve your issue. 


    For the benefit of other users who may see this post:


    If you delete and reprocess a termination pay with ETP, you also need to delete that ETP payment from the Payroll Reporting Centre by following the steps below:

    1. Click Payroll in the command centre
    2. Click Payroll Reporting 
    3. Click Payroll Reporting Centre 
    4. Click Employee Terminations tab 
    5. Find the employee and click the 3 dots next to their name 
    6. Select "Remove ETP" 
    7. Select the duplicate payments 
    8. Once it is removed then process a $0.00 payrun for the employee to update the ATO of the new YTD totals


    Please don't hesitate to post again if you need further help.


    If my response has answered your enquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information.

  • Hi LisaGSA 


    Thanks for your post. When reconciling payroll the first reports I used to check were the Payroll Activity Summary and Payroll Register Summary.  This is because the Activity report gets it's data from pays recorded through Process Payroll. The Register report gets it's data from the Pay History tab in the employee card. STP reports also get their figures from the Pay History tab in the employee card. 


    When the Activity and Register reports don't match it generally means that a manual adjustment has been made in the Pay History tab of the employee card. 


    If the Activity and Register reports do match, then it's time to look at the ATO reporting categories. Check for any payroll categories that you've paid for the first time in that month, eg, annual leave, leave loading, personal leave. You can run the Activity Detail report to get a break up of the payroll categories. Check the different categories to see if one of them is the amount you are out of balance by.


    Please let me know if you need further help.


    If my response has answered your enquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information.

    • LisaGSA's avatar
      Trusted Cover User

      Hi Tracey,


      Thanks for the reply. I have run the Payroll Register and Payroll Activity Summary reports and checked these against each other. Both match.
      I have now run the payroll summary and checked these totals against the Year to Date Verification report and all of the ATO reporting categories match the totals on the payroll summary (i have grouped everything into the applicable category) except for the "ETP - Tax Free Component"


      The issue here is, this is not a new item, it has been used previoulsy and up until this month, it was always balanced. IT was used for 1 emplouee this pay, and the difference i have is not related to that particular employees payment.


      I have now run the Payroll Category Transactions report and cross checked these against the employee totals in the YTD Verficiation report and have found the employee record that is causing this issue


      I will need to run a zero pay for the employee to send through updated YTD's to correct this. 

      Im not sure why this has happened though, so if you have any insights that would be good to know. 





      • LisaGSA's avatar
        Trusted Cover User

        Hi Tracy, I should have checked this before I hit reply, but running a zero pay has not worked.


        For some reason the YTD Verification Report is overstated for this employee and is causing this issue.


        But after looking at her YTD income and comparing this to the Payroll Register/Activity Summary and the YTD Veriifcaiton Reports there are discrepancies.


        Who would be the best person to talk to to get this sorted?


