Forum Discussion

reneebpij's avatar
3 years ago

Creating Taxable Payments file that is too large

I am trying to create the TPAR file to upload to ATO and AR coming up with MYOB must close message & the attached error log - that the value is too large - we do have a lot of sub-contractors in our system but I've never had this issue prev years.


Also tried online version of MYOB & 'could not download TPAR file' warning comes up as per attached snip.


Can I try anything I can try as I dont want to have to manually enter the data for ATO TPAR report!



  • Hi reneebpij 


    The ATO has a 2GB size limit, so I doubt that is the problem. I suggest you clear the browser cache and try again.




  • Hi reneebpij 


    Seems MYOB might be using a integer value for the report total. Does any individual payee total or does the report total exceed, $2.147b. If yes you may have to split the report into more than one file for upload. 


    Had the same issue with TPAR Generator last year when reporting Government Grants which exceeded this amount, TPAR Generator was then update to allows a larger max value.




    • reneebpij's avatar

      Hi Gavin,

      Thanks for your reply but no the total doesn't exceed that amount (or any ind. payee obviously)

      Im wondering if too many individual payees could make the file too big?

      • gavin12345's avatar
        Ultimate User

        Hi reneebpij 


        The ATO has a 2GB size limit, so I doubt that is the problem. I suggest you clear the browser cache and try again.


