Forum Discussion

Patzee's avatar
Trusted Cover User
3 years ago

Reports for BAS


I want to show the Owner of the business a Report for what has been paid for BAS throughout the year, can anyone make suggestions please. We use Jobs so I provide them with a Jobs P&L and Assets reports for Improvements spent but theuy are asking for this and I can't see how to show this easily in a Report. I have explained hwo it works but they want to 'see' it.


Many Thanks


  • Hi Patzee 


    Thanks for your post. You could show them the GST [summary - cash (or accrual) ] report, that gives the Total GST collected and paid. If they want to see the figures that make up each individual BAS, I'd print the activity statement from the online lodgement portal. You can then match those figures to the GST report and Payroll reports if applicable. 


    Please let me know if you need further help.


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  • Hi Patzee 


    Thanks for your post. You could show them the GST [summary - cash (or accrual) ] report, that gives the Total GST collected and paid. If they want to see the figures that make up each individual BAS, I'd print the activity statement from the online lodgement portal. You can then match those figures to the GST report and Payroll reports if applicable. 


    Please let me know if you need further help.


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    • Patzee's avatar
      Trusted Cover User

      Thanks for replying Tracey, 

      I have shown them that report  and the BAS lodgement, but thanks, as I was trying to explain to them that it wont 'show' on the regular financial reports that I provide and wondered if I was missing something that may have been helpful to them for budgeting.


      Many thanks for your time.



      • Tracey_H's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi Patzee 


        Not sure if this helps but the Balance Sheet does show the GST Paid, GST Collected and PAYGW liabilities as at the date of the report. As the actual BAS payment amount is the sum of all those liability accounts the only report that will show the payment amount is the BAS lodgement.


        Something else that may help, I used to have BASlink set up just to run the BASlink reports, I think the Audit summary report may be what you're looking for. If you want to look into that, make sure that BASlink is set up exactly as the online BAS setup. Click on Prepare BAS/IAS>>select Lodge manually and then click on Reports.


        Please let me know if you need further help with this.


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