Seaton01's avatar
Cover User
10 years ago

Cards: Ability to enter more than 5 Addresses per card

I would like the have more ship to fields available on customer cards.  At present it is limited to 5 and I have a client that has 7 outlets.  Also provision for more email addresses would be good as some clients and suppliers have different contacts for different sections

"Customer Cards"

  • Can we please have more than 4-5 delivery addresses per card?  Some customers need 8-10 delivery addresses.  Thanks.

    • jenniek's avatar
      Ultimate Partner

      You can create separate cards for these delivery addresses - then use other card when you choose the delivery address.

    • Aaronp's avatar
      Trusted Partner

      We currently do this. the problem is when it comes to billing. The cutomer receives 5 different statement and then pays the lot with one cheque that you then have to manually calculate the portion of the payment and apply it individually to each card. Then if you use "undeposited funds" and print the bank deposit form for a quick deposit, it comes up as many cheques, not the one single cheque you are depositing.


      We have run into this problem alot. Especially as we have to use the main address as the site address so we can do a sales report and have the site address print, not the billing address, so we have to have individual cards for each site all because you can't change the address field that prints on the sales report. That then means the site address prints on statements as myob doesn't allow you to select the address field that is used on the statement form.


      There are LOTS of intertwined issues that arise due to the simplicity of the old MYOB system, that have lead to major headaches and innovation required to work around them. I guess, the market has tried to use the product in ways that exceeded it's original design plan. We have to remember it used to be "Mind Your Own Business" and was aimed at self employed one man bands...

  • Hi,


    You are able to add any number of different ship to addresses by setting them up as another Customer Card then selecting them as the ship to address.


    See this link to a similar post.


    There are limits on how you can report and search in MYOB on ship to addresses however if you do use them extensively there are some other solutions that can assist your client with this.

    See also -


    I hope this helps.


    Jennifer Kelly CA

    Business Intelligence for MYOB

    02 8912 4120

  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:

    Thanks for your suggestion Seaton01. Anyone who would like to be able to enter details for more than 5 addresses per card, please cast your vote here.

    In the meantime, as a work-around. You can create a second car for customer's for whom you need to save more than five addresses and save the additional addresses on these cards. When you need to use the address, select 'another card' in the 'ship to' drop-down.

  • Can't understand why this has not been fixed to add more than 5 addresses on a single card. We then need to send 2 statements.

  • OMNI's avatar
    Cover User

    I believe at the moment I can currently only save five email addresses in the card file. I have some large clients that I need send invoices and quotes to more than five email addresses at different times.  The method of saving emails in the card also seems like a work around method attched emails to physical addreses ie. "Address 1" "Address 2" "Address 3" etc. Can you create a simple list of emails in the card file for each customer to allow more email addresses to be saved which are accessable when sending quotes and invoices?

    • H-TS's avatar
      Trusted User

      I store all the addresses on Address 1, separated by a semicolon.




      If some are for different things, then I add extra info.





      It's a bit fiddly because I have to delete the unnecessary bits before sending but at least they're all there where I need them.


      I also add notes if a client needs a particular document sent with their invoice.




      Again, I have to delete the (SWMS) before sending, but it's a good prompt and saves a back and forth email conversation later if I forget.