TLK's avatar
Experienced Cover User
10 years ago

Cards: Increase Notes field character limit (255)

Would love more space in the "Card details" of employees Notes


"Increase size of card notes field"

  • lindso's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    Is there any progress on this request? The area in the notes field (regardless of whether it is for employees, suppliers or customers) can only fit approximately 43 words, or 255 characters and this is only half of the size of the actual space of the box shown on the screen. There is a HUGE space for a customer's photo and a HUGE amount of space in the "Card Details" tab not even being utilised, yet there is no generous amount of space to record information and there are no other real options to be able to record notes in one place. Yes you can use the contact log but then you have to change the date range and wade through all of the information to find what you are looking for, as opposed to having everything you need right in front of you in one field as soon as you click on it. There's also the issue or purging information and losing the information in the contact log once purged as it is all date based. It's been nearly 4 years that this request has been open...perhaps create a new field for additional notes (as changing the existing notes field would impact on the existing reports which include the notes field)... or have the ability to attach word documents within MYOB so that an external document can hold the notes/information but MYOB only has to be able to save and open the attached document.

  • FoxHay's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Card List "Employee" Card Details TAB

    I have run out of available space in the Employee Notes section of " CARD DETAILS".

    Please delimit the number of characters and also perhaps put a "Print Notes" button.


  • Di64's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    Is there not a better algorithm that can be used for the search feature, of MYOB community/help/new idea?


    I typed in     Card Details      as i wanted to see if anyone had posted that the NOTES field of the Cards file are too small and would be great if they could allow more characters.  I end up with every post that had Card or Details.  Sooooo i put in "Card Details" and then ended up with posts that had quotation marks in them.  Makes searching for answers rather frustrating.

  • Preemarose's avatar
    Experienced Cover User
    Is it possible to have at least a minimum 500 characters with spaces to be input. Especially in Suppliers and Employee Cards it would be very helpful?
  • Yes definitely need more space - even its on tab would be better