Trev_Margolin's avatar
Experienced User
10 years ago

Cloud: Make AccountRight Live fully browser based


I used to work for ESR. ( ) . They are contracted to the Ministry of Health (as one of their main clients). They originally had a desk top version of EpiSurv (their database / reporting tool so Public Health Services can report and follow up cases and outbreaks of notifiable diseases). While I was at ESR they moved EpiSurv to a web browser application. Note that only the PHS involved (and their approved users) can see the details of their own particular data. (Security is very tight. I understand they have to get through two totally separate servers).


The advantage of all this is that ESR maintains ALL the updates to EpiSurv. The Public Health Services NEVER EVER have to worry about having to update "their" EpiSurv. They no longer have to download any updates to the program at ALL. All they concern themselves about is whether or not they have a good stable internet connection - which ALL businesses, large or very small have to have these days anyway - and definitely not just for accounting purposes.


When is MYOB going to do the same thing as ESR did many years ago and as I understand Xero did a while back? Get with the times MYOB. By FAR the vast majority of people's complaints do seem to be about the troubles they are having updating AccountRight Live.


"Make Account Right Live Fully Web Browser ONLY Based"

  • Ausworld's avatar
    Contributing User

    How easy would it be if you could open your web browser and open one page or tab and have access to all your files within that one location once you are logged in to your MYOB. Accessing your files within that one tab could be by having a drop down list of all your files, then click on the one you want to take you to that file and switch back to any file you want instead of having several icon open one for each file...

    I know Xero does have that functionality and it does make life so much easier when you have several files.


    "accessing all your files from a web browser"

    • David_Cree's avatar
      Ultimate Partner

      Hello Daniel,


      You can have multiple MYOB AR data files open at the same time.

      A simple click in the task bar icon wil enable you to open another window.

      I like this much better than it would be on a browser window.




    • Ausworld's avatar
      Contributing User

      Hi David

      thanks for the response. I am aware that you can have multiple MYOB AR files open but they all sit on your task bare and if like me you have several files you end up with a lot of AR icons.
      What I would like to (and this is a personal preference) is been able to use MYOB AR in a   web browser so you only have one tab open and within that tab you can navigate via a drop down window between your files, it would keep your task bare clean and less clogged up with icons



    • Saasha's avatar
      Cover User

      This should already be a part of the MYOB package. I travel and cant always rely on my computer (especially if it gets a virus) I am missing out on thousands of dollars when i cant access my account. This should not be a hard jump for MYOB 

  • Kelly81's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hello Trev_Margolin,


    I totally disagree with you.


    The reason I went with MYOB was because they allow me to still have a local copy of my data.


    Xero does not.



  • Thanks for your honesty Kelly81 !


    My expectation (and hope) is that people,like yourself, would still be able to download / keep copies of their local data if they really wanted to.




  • Status changed:
    Maybe later

    Hi Trev_Margolin


    Thank you for your feedback in regards to AccountRight 201x and working solely online.

    Currently MYOB does offer a solely based on online solution, this is called MYOB Essentials*. You do access your data via an Internet Browser. As mentioned by Kelly81 AccountRight 201x allows for both local copies of the data and online company files to be run.  Based on these the idea of making AccountRight 201x solely online has been set to be Maybe Later.  However based on feedback we may review this decision in the future.

    *Please note this is the Australian link. The New Zealand based MYOB Essentials can be found on MYOB Essentials 

  • jenniek's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hi Trev_Margolin

    Sorry I disagree too.

    I see too many clients who don't have good enough internet to run AR Live online, so at least they can have the features of the new versions but not be online, or at least have the choice.

    Xero does not give you that choice - and if you lose you internet connection, (as some of my clients have done) than MYOB still allows you to keep working.

    Plus You will always have a true copy of your MYOB on your computer if you ever stop using it. Xero doesn't give that - best they can do is some excel sheets.

  • We have just moved back to MYOB from XERO on the behest of our accountant. To say we are a bit frustrated is a massive understatement. 


    I am very unhappy there is no web browser based access (equivalent to AccountRight) to our records as I use an Apple Mac. I see in the response to Trev_Margolin's post, MYOB is willing to consider moving their product to the cloud/browser based. I would like to put my hand up and say we would all love it if this option became a reality. 

    I don't understand why this is not an offering in 2016. 

  • turman2001's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    As MYOB is supposed to be a Accounting and business management product, it would be good if you could access it via a web browser aswell as the App. This would help with devices such as ipad where MYOB is lacking significantly.


    As a business owner, wen i do take a bit of time of it is very difficult to process payroll for instance as i would have to take a computer.


    If there was a web browser access i could use my phone or ipad.


    Currently, accessability is Accountrights biggest downfall