Helen-Webley's avatar
Experienced Cover User
13 years ago

Forms: Ability to copy multiple fields from one form to another

In version 19.5 it was possible to copy muliple fields from one invoice to another. It was even possible to copy from say an item layout to a service invoice. This saved alot of time and means you could easily make the different invoices look exactly the same. That feature has gone now.


"Copying fields when customising invoices"

  • Hi DMOZ

    Thank you for your comments and feedback 

    Currently this idea has been marked as Under Consideration. 


    The normal process for an Idea posted on Ideas Exchange would go through a few stages. We would mark the post as "Under Consideration" and encourage users to vote and comment for this idea. If the idea does generate a number of votes and comments we mark it has high demand meaning we will investigate and attempt to implement that idea ahead of other ideas with lesser demand.

    As of 17/02/2015 the idea exchange have had 63 ideas implemented from it and some of the ideas have been marked as Planned.

  • Hi PatKelly

    Thank you for voting for this idea.

    Currently this idea has been marked as Under Consideration. At this stage we don't have a time frame for when this particular idea will be added to the program. However we do still encourage clients to vote and comment if required for this particular idea.

  • Seriously this has been under consideration since 2012?  I am spending hours copying little boxes - when will this move from "under consideration" to "save customer hours - just get it done"?

  • 5teve's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    As V19 allowed it.. why has the ability to copy and paste multiple items from one form to another been removed?


    Creating what are essentially the same Purchase order forms for example (say service and item) where the headers and footers are the same and to be honest probably the only difference would be the Main table, is painful and slow. Its still fairly painful copying and pasting it as a whole in v19 but until there is the ability to save an item PO as a service PO its still a better option than the current 2016.3 single item copy and paste.


    Steve O

  • Hi,


    When will the Customise Forms Module receive an overhaul? 


    Not User friendly, has a lot of limitations, eg. We have created a customised "Item Invoice" and would like to copy the layout across to a "Packing Slip (Item)" but something as simple as this can't be done, you have to go through the whole drama again of setting everything back up, aligning everything to get it all looking the same as your Items Invoice.


    We'd like to be able to transpose this across other forms that are created also.



  • JaniPeti's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Yes, I agree we need this feature reimplemented. The template customising features are woefully inadequate and have been for some time.

    Being able to copy elements & formatting should be a no-brainer but the money hungry MYOB execs don't give a hoot about useability.
    Please enable this feature ASAP.

  • sal2107's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    I can not believe this issue has still not been addressed for 10 years! 

    Come on MYOB - stop giving us features that will never be used, and fix these issues! 

    The Professional layout for purchase invoices is basically unusable in a normal business because you can't print/save the report which shows the Purchase Register .. that's been a known problem for over 2 years - and the workaround? Use Item or Service layout instead! Great! So how much time do we customers have to spend to re-create a customised form which will work in the Service or Item Layout? And then? Change all of your Professional Layout invoices to the new layout and it's customised form. Unbelievable.


  • PJsBiz's avatar
    Experienced User

    Its now 2024 and MYOB haven't gotten anywhere with giving better customisation options for forms.  We still can't export the forms in an editable format unless of course you are a programmer.   Its been a long time since I needed to set up a MYOB file for a client but 2024 is the year and can't believe how difficult it is to customise forms still.  
    I would like to copy multiple fields at once in their place to another form - this at least would be so great.  
    Any ideas?