Mike_James's avatar
Ultimate Partner
12 years ago

Forms: Remittance Advice - Include Supplier bank details

I would like the supplier's bank account details to be available as fields on their remittance advice (pay bills).


Something like the attached.


'Include supplier bank account details on remittance"

  • Have had many requests for this, especially from solicitors and auditors. Would be great to have the suppliers bank account details on the Remittance Advice.

  • I know this is old Post.  Wondering if this is seriously being considered and may be in an next update.


    This would Help the supplier to know exactly which account you have made payment to.


    Thank you

  • I also really need this feature on remittances.  MYOB please get this set up asap.

  • Mike_James's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    I really think this is just as important as the introduction of 2FA. We all know that access security features can be overcome, even 2FA unfortunately, and reporting  to the payee the actual bank account used in the payment is the final chance to spot whether something has gone wrong, even if it's (just) a clerical error. And it seems like an easy way to score points with users and provide a more robust system. I hope this can be added in a release soon.

  • Is this possible now?


    can anyone advise? if we can show our suppliers bank account on their remittance advice?

  • Sunny17's avatar
    Experienced Cover User


    This needs to be an option - the new Qld laws in the building industry that are due to come into effect soon require builders to notify payees of what bank account they have paid into.  This would make life SO MUCH EASIER!!!

  • QBCC has recently advised that remittance advices to all subcontractors must include their bank accounts and phone numbers.  It must also include the Payee phone number.

    Is there a way to add that information to the Date Fields available?

  • Come on MYOB get this into the system - allow the supplier bank BSB, their bank account number and name fields to be selectable options.

    In this day and age with so much fraud taking place. This requirement is a must have - not a want.

    Please get this added to the next Account Right package upgrade.....

    It was first requested 10 years ago.... Do you not think it's time to do something now????