ScottTaylor's avatar
Experienced Partner
12 years ago

Jobs: Purge (delete) Jobs no longer in Use

We run tens of thousands of jobs in MYOB and refer to the Job Number in our Invoices and Purchases for Cost tracking.

Some Jobs run for less than one day, other jobs run for a number of years.

The Job list became so full that it totally slowed our whole system down a couple of years ago and we had to start a brand new file just to get rid of the long job list. This meant importing and exporting customers, suppliers, employees, accounts etc and this became a significant task.


Can there be a way to purge jobs without having to close them off by looking at how long ago the last transaction was? I would like to see a facility where I can say Purge all jobs that were not used within the last x number of days and I have the flexibility to select what x equals such as 365 days, 900 days or possibly for some companies 60 days. Sure, I understand that if I select the wrong number of days, I may lose a few jobs that I didnt want to loose but if the process asks for say, two confirmations to proceed, then the risk would be all mine.


I really do not want to have to keep creating a brand new file just to get rid of my long job lists every couple of years



  • We have a lot of old jobs which are still active but not in use - numbering hundreds. I have tried to delete them but can only do this one by one. It would be great if I could do a batch delete - just tick the ones I want and then delete them in one go

    • Steven_M's avatar
      Former Staff

      Hi LinCon 

      Thank you for your comments and providing the workaround that you have used to delete your unwanted jobs.

      If I can just add something to that process. You can improve the deletion time by going into the Job, so you have the Edit Job window open then right clicking on some grey space and selecting Delete Job. This may improve the process for those clients that are using the Edit>>Delete Job option.

    • LinCon's avatar
      Cover User

      I managed to do it by following the following steps ... make sure you back up your MYOB file FIRST in case this slips for you. Also, make sure everybody else is logged out:

      Step 1: create a new header job call "tobedeleted"

      Step 2: create a dummy detail job "deletetest" under header "tobe deleted"

      Step 3: export jobs, match all columns

      Step 4: using excel, open your exported file, switch on filter, then filter to isolate all the jobs you would like to delete.

      Step 5: change the header job for all these jobs you want to delete to "tobedeleted"

      Step 6: mark all these jobs to inactive, and 100% complete.

      Step 6: save the file as a tab delimited file

      Step 7: go back to MYOB, import jobs, make sure you select "update existing record" in the duplicate records section.

      Step 8: Select the file you edited and match all. (Should match identically since you are using the same format as the exported file)

      Step 9: complete the import

      Step 10: go into your lists, jobs and you should see all the jobs you wanted to delete sitting under the header "tobedeleted"

      Step 11: Delete the header job "tobedeleted"

      Step 12: it will warn you a few times, select ok all the way through and now you have deleted the detail jobs under that header.


      Sorry for long descript, this should have you smiling again.

    • HMS_001's avatar
      Cover User

      I noted that the last update still hasn't dealt with batch deleting of jobs. We have tried the above suggestion of exporting the data to excel, deleting the jobs and then importing the data again but this didn't work. When the data was re-imported, MYOB used all the numbers in a four digit format where as our numbering system uses 5 digit format with the first digit being a zero. The end result was we finished with twice the number of jobs as when we started!!

      Surely it can't be that hard to have a check box in the jobs list to allow the user to delete or make inactive multiple files in one go. Even to have the ability to use the shift / ctrl buttons in conjunction with teh mouse to highlight multiple jobs at the same time such as used in all other windows based programs. Then right click and go delete


  • jenniek's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Yes please - I have several clients wanting this - manually deleting jobs is NOT an option, there's way too many and time prohibitative. The same is needed for card files and items.

  • Hi Scott, 


    If you were not already aware, you do have the ability to manually delete jobs that you are no longer using.  Understandably this is will be a lengthy task if you have 1,000's of jobs.  


    For others experiencing this issue, vote for this idea!!

