scfsh's avatar
Experienced Cover User
10 years ago

Pay Superannuation: Report on who authorised each superannuation payment

Can you please create a printable/exportable report we can print to show each authorised PS with the ID and the itemised employee's super paid?



This would be required to show my clients the payments processed.


Currently the only report available is from the transaction journal, which when I enter the ID to show PS1 - current and press print nothing shows anyway.

"PaySuper payment report"

  •  I agree, much needed especially for the Construction Industry!

  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:

    Thanks for the great suggestion scfsh. We are planning better reporting for Pay Super in an update early next year. A report covering what you've requested will be included in this update.

  • Status changed:

    Thank you all for the idea. We are working on better reporting capabilities for Pay Super. In the meantime you can run the Journal security audit report, located in Reports>>Accounts>>Journal and Security for details of the user ID that initiated the recording of the Pay Superannuation transaction. We request everyone interested in seeing this to please continue to vote and comment.


    For more information on changes to the AccountRight Idea Exchange, please read this article: Changes to our Idea Exchange pages