Mike_James's avatar
Ultimate Partner
12 years ago

Purchases: Retain original date on partially receipted purchase orders

When a purchase order is partially receipted, the balance is left on the order, but the date of the order is changed to the receipt date. (Previous versions behaved the same).


I suggest that most users would wish to see the original date retained, as it makes a mockery of PO management.


If you agree, please vote for this!

  • I totally agree - it is embarassing to explain to client that they will loose the "audit trail" of the PO unless they go back into the new PO and change the date back to the original PO date.  I would have thought this would be a simple fix?  I hope this can be implemented. 

  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:
    Thank you for suggestion. I can see this idea is quite popular. Any other users who would like to see this, please cast your vote for this idea.