ReeChristie201's avatar
Cover User
11 years ago

Report: Employee Employment Details - Multiple employees on a page

Is it possible to make it an option to print the 'Employee Employment Details' Report not all on seperate pages?


If you only want a report with say employee's names and their annual salaries there is no option to not have this on seperate pages. Listing this information one after an other on a few pages would be much better than having lots of pages without much on them.


I can't export this report to Excel for some reason (the option is faded out). Is this a MYOB issue?




"Ability to print 'Employee Employment Details Report' on same page"

  • John_Wallace's avatar
    Experienced Partner

    Its now 2017... 3 years for the most simplest of changes to be implemented...suggest you hire a work experience person to do it... come on MYOB, IT is not that hard !!

  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:
    Hello Christie. Thanks for your great suggestion. Anyone else who would like to see multiple employees per page on the 'Employee Employment Details' report, please cast your vote here.
  • Hi ReeChristie201 

    You could go to File>>Import/Export Assistant>>Select to Export data>>Select the Cards and then Employee cards>>Select Tabs>>Select To add the fields Co/Last Name, First name and Salary/Rate>>Export. This will export a text file that information for the employee. You can then open that file in Excel (making sure that you select to Open and then All files not just Excel file. This will give you a list of Employee's rate/salary.

  • Thanks Ronatbas,


    However, once you click out of the Insert/Modify Tab (where it all appears on one page) and to to print preview it all goes on seperate pages again. Also, it won't allow me to export to Excel. :smileysad:

  • ronatbas's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    This is not a report that I use often, but when I need it, it is (was under the Classic layout) great to be able to send it to excel and manipulate it there.

    i have had a play with 2014 and it seems that you will be able to get the information on one page by going to show hide, hide all then pick name and Total Salary

  • With 2011 onwards, some of the reporting is great, but some reports use so much more paper eg, Employee Details will only print 1 employee per page. I need shares in the papermill industry. Should have the option to print say 2 employees per page but not split the information over 2 pages (the way it does when print a payroll advice report - the name of employee on bottom of one page then the payroll information on next - hate that). Even when change the margins etc some reports in 2013 could fit on less pages therefore reducing paper & toner