Raelene's avatar
Experienced Cover User
10 years ago

Report: Job Activity [Detail] - Exclude Inactivate jobs by default (have inactivate job filter)

When producing job reports at the time of selecting which job you want to run it automatically comes up with the all jobs and you have to select the button to exclude inactive jobs. 


I would like to see this button automatically selected so that only active jobs appear.  I rarely need to do reports for inactive jobs, nine times out of ten reports are produced for active jobs.




"Inactive job default"

  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:

    Thanks for the great suggestion Raelene. It does make sense that inactive jobs would be excluded by default. Anyone else who you like to see inactive jobs excluded from reports by default, please cast your vote here.

  • yes the is a must as we run a cleaning / handyman service and when it comes to real estate agents we must put full detials of cleaning into the invocies  last night i spent hours on one invoice then to save it and lost the hold lot i am not happy and again this morning it happen again now to read and find out that MYOB doesnt allow more then 255 words please fix this problom asap my invocies go to the tenants and the bond board regards Mandy


    Thanks for your feedback and comments in regards to the AccountRight program.  Along with commenting, if you would like to show your support for an Idea on the AccountRight Idea's Exchange you can vote for it using the + Vote button to the left of the Idea's name.

    If are still requiring assistance in entering that invoice do let us know and we would be happy to assist.

  • AnneASA's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    I agree, inactive jobs should never be a default option. also viewing Inactive payroll categories, inactive customer cards, inactive supplier cards, inactive employee cards...to view inactive should never never never be the default option.