RTH's avatar
Cover User
12 years ago

Report: Job [Budget Analysis] - Budget value when no transactions are recorded for account

Can the developers of MYOB please upgrade the 2013 version of MYOB to enable the job budget analysis report to show a zero in the budget analysis line and an amount coded against it in the actual line, as version 19 use to do - PLEASE!!!!  (and still vice versa)


We run a building company and utilise the Budget Analysis Report consistently to show clients where their jobs are at. For a Cost Plus Contract our clients are given a budget estimate prior to work commencing. They will often add or change the scope of work as we go. It is 100% relevant to have a budget of zero and then have an amount against a code - for example the client decides to get us to do their paving, which was not part of the initial scope of works. The job budget analysis should show zero in the budget and then an amount for paving supply and paving labour.


We actually use this report to prepare our invoice for clients who are on a Cost Plus Contract. We get the total cost of sales, add our margin - eg 25%, subtract any previous payments, and then add GST. We can look through the budget analysis report and check everything has been included.


The client receives a copy of the Job Budget Anaylsis Report with their Tax Invoice. This is quicker and looks far neater than using reimbursable items with a %.


When I phoned MYOB technical support they suggested to use the Job Profit & Loss Report. However this report is severely limited in this instance as it will only display information for a particular financial year. If a job runs for example from Mar to September, then it will not show the entire job. This would also be another request for the developers to improve.


"Job Budget Analysis Report Limitation 2013 v Version 19"


  • David_Cree's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hello Rebecca,


    i suggest that you contact


    Siva Sivakumar


    Smart Reports Solutions Pty Ltd
    23, Palmer Place
    Sinnamon Park
    QLD 4073

    Fax: +61-7-3020 3848
    Mobile: +61-(0)417-619 424
    Web: www.smartreports.com.au
    Email: info@smartreports.com.au


    I am sure that he can provide you a report to do exactly & probably more, that you need.





  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:
    Coming Soon

    We're pleased to announce that having accounts that are budgeted for, but have not had activity, appear on the job budget analysis report is currently in development and should appear in an upcoming release.

  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:
    Coming Soon

    We're pleased to say that this feature was implemented in our 2015.1 update.