Ausresearch's avatar
Experienced Cover User
11 years ago

Report: Job List - Date range filter

In Reports - Accounts - Jobs - Job list. Please add date range. At your current version, jobs can be filttered by job number, this is good but date range is more use friendly.


"Job profit and loss summary report"

  • Rakia_Stokell's avatar
    Experienced Partner

    I love the job list report that shows summary Job #, Name, Inc, COGS, Exps & Profit/Loss, however what I really really need is this same report customiseable by date. I need to run this report for a particular calendar month for managerial reporting purposes.

    • Jennifer_Kelly's avatar
      Super Partner

      Hi Rakia,


      You would be able to get this type of more flexible Jobs reporting from some of the MYOB Add-on solutions, see


      As an example below is a Jobs List report from our Software Business Intelligence for MYOB that is exactly as you described and can be set to run for any date range you choose, including accross financial years.


      I have also set this to Group by the JOb header. You can also /filter for other dimensions e.g. for One or a number of Job Managers, Job Salesperson and or Jub Customer.


      Screen Shot 2014-11-27 at 5.44.54 pm.png


      Another popular Jobs report that is very usefull is a Job P&L by GL Account Pivoting by Job number (or Job header).  See below:

      Screen Shot 2014-11-27 at 5.52.20 pm.png


      These are all standard and can be exported to Excel.


      I hope this helps.


      Jennifer Kelly CA

      02 8912 4120