Bruce_1008's avatar
Cover User
10 years ago

Report: Job Transactions [Accrual] - Include Tax amounts

Is it possible to produce a job transaction report that includes the GST in the Debit and Credit amounts. This is needed when customers require a report on the expenses and payment that have been incurred on their job. It would also helps with our budgeting.

Some of the transaction have GST and some transactions relate to exports and other GST free transactions so it is difficult to get an accurate picture of the current situation.


"Report - Job transaction including GST'


  • jenniek's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hi there Bruce_1008

    I'm not aware of any reports unless you look at the transactions journals - as GST is stripped from all transactions because it is not a cost to the job or business - you are just a collection agent for the IRD/ATO. My only thought is send out the transaction journals to excel, then sort by the job number column

  • Status changed:

    Hi Bruce_1008


    Thank for your idea in regards to AccountRight and Job costing. 

    As mentioned by jenniek when you record a job against a transaction the GST portion is split off and therefore currently you are unable to show a job transaction report including GST. However I would encourage other users that would like to see this idea to vote and comment if required for this idea.

  • We have two different Business under the same MYOB. It is very hard to get a GST job costing to see how much the two different Businesses owe. At the moment I have to transfer the GST report into excel and work out which transaction is to which business. Is there an easier way? When is this report going to be available, as I see it was under construction back in August 2015?

  • BalanceUp's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    I have a client with a similar problem regarding GST reports for two businesses in same MYOB file. They want to see a report which shows GST column in a bank transaction report, or the GST in jobs as mentioned abve so can allcoate GST to correct business.

  • Hi BalanceUp


    Thank you for sharing your experiences in regards to this idea.

    Along with commenting you can show your support for an idea on the AccountRight Idea Exchange by voting. To vote for an idea select the + VOTE button to the left of the idea's name.


  • I need to be able to run a report on a Job to include the total amount spent on purchases and sales to include GST in the amounts. However the report excludes GST for some reason. Im not sure why under Insert/Modify it doesnt allow you to produce this


    IDEA:    Maybe having the option to do a GST [detail - Cash] report for each JOB would be the way to go??

    I know it can be done for categories - but we work with JOBS!!

  • DHSteelJessie's avatar
    Contributing User

    Is there an update on this? When will there be an option to show to GST portion of jobs in a report?