Khman's avatar
Contributing Cover User
8 years ago

Reports: Ability to create own report


I've been struggling with MYOB for a while trying to make the custom report I want and finally dropped the idea.

To create a custom report: I need to open a prebuilt report, then select the field I want/don't want and then save as a custom report. 

Main problem is predesigned reports have a limited list of available fields to customise the report. And I lose time going from one to another to finally find the predesigned report that is close to what I need and then customise it. Even so, result is not perfect and I still have a lot of work to do on the file.


I would be awesome if we could create a custom report from scratches without being linked to a predesigned one. Then we could select just the fields we need, order them the way we want and finally have a real full custom report that fits our needs !


"Full custom reports"

  • swatts11's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I have a shocking time creating sales reports.  I need not just dollars but quantity to specific customers and I have to flick back and forth to about 4 different reports and rebuild it myself - extremely time consuming.  Being able to add more options in the Show/Hide area would make life so much easier.

  • coffeepapercups's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hi Khman 


    You are correct i just need one field its really simply I want to run the Sales/Customer Summary but want to add the shipping address for that sale which is linked to the sale but I cannot select this as it lives somewhere in another table and no body though to connect it, I am told run detail its in that report but I don't want every item or 1,000 line items.  Also, advised to go to the Add-on solutions but again I do not need 100 free reports or out of date partners just need to select 1 field which is related to sales when I create an invoice i can select delivery address so why cann i not select this field whe running Sales/Customer summary - if there is a pertner that sees this an can help with this one field I would appreciate you getting in touch.

  • Hi Khman ,

    It sounds like you want a report that will show for each individual Invoice the Ship to/Delivery adress presumably to help you to organise your delivery runs?


    Our Addon solution BI4cloud Business Intelligence will allow you to flexibly report over the various fields and dimensions on every Sales Invoice. 


    As a simple example see below, this shows a selection of columns that you can choose to wshow or hide:

    • For a selected date range ( you can even choose a specific day or week)
    • Invoice Number
    • Ship to Compoind that shows the full Ship to address in one string /one field
    • Ship to Name
    • Ship to address broken down by Street/City/State/Postcode - we can only get this further breakdown when you have each Ship to adress setup as a separate Customer card and then use the option to Select customer card in the Ship to field 
    • See Report by "Ship to" not just "Invoice to" Address in MYOB



    The Above report is able to be created in all of our versions:

    • Lite version ( $20+gst/mth) Create the report each time you need it
    • Professional version ( $40+gst/mth) Create the report once and save to reuse over and over; or
    • Enterprise version ( $60+gst/mth) Create the report once and save auto email out daily/weekly/monthly to reuse over and over

    I know you say you only want this one report but you will also get all of our other reports included in the above pricing.

    We have many other customers in the packaging business who also love our reports covering:

    So please do the free trial and I can help you to see how your Ship to data can be used to report then you can determine if it saves you time and improves accuracy.


    Jennifer Kelly CA


    02 8011 1511

  • It would be really helpful if we could get an Actual Cash Flow monthly.  My other programme does this with no problem.  At the end of the year I just have to import an actual cash flow into a budget format and the programme does the rest. Then I have the whole year broken down into months at one glance.

    For budgeting purposes a monthly cash flow report is necessary, especially for farming.

  • Has this ever been acted upon? Is there now a method to fully customise a report, I am unable to find? Thenks


    New user here. Want to see if fully customized reports feature has been implemented?


    Agree that the existing report modification process simplifies reporting for most users, however having a fully customizable report function will benefit those that has previous report creation experience. 

  • Hi all,


    my suggestion would be some sort of Crystal Reporting solution.


    Unless there are add-ons that are suitable for this purpose.




    Jason Young

    Office Administrator

    Albany Engineering
    Western Australia