CC-Brendale's avatar
4 years ago

Reports: Show account number by default on reports

Why dont the developers at MYOB create the ability in the Setup\Preferences\Reports & Forms to switch on to default that the account numbers are displayed on all financial reports?  Seems a sensible option to me and would save time generating reports.


No brainer?!?


"Show Account numbers on Financial Reports - suggestion to have this as an option in Setup Preferences"

  • Hi LaniOUP


    Thank you for the response.


    I understand where the doubt is coming from. Unfortunately, all we can do is raise the suggestion with the team. The development team is internal, and we can't provide any information on what features they are working on. Rest assured we will do all we can to help. 


    We appreciate you voicing your concern. 



  • LaniOUP's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Thanks Genreve


    It seems like a pretty obvious function to have.  


    Given the original post was back in 2020 - I don't have much faith in MYOB implementing it........ Unfortunately. 




  • Hi LaniOUP


    Thank you for posting your feedback on this forum board. 


    This suggestion has been raised for the development team. We will raise this again. 


    In the meantime, let us know if you require any further assistance. 

