mmclq's avatar
Cover User
12 years ago

Reports: User access

Our Auditors are requesting a report produced by MYOB which lists all the User ID's and the restrictions / access enabled for each user.


At this stage I cannot even produce a list of users.




'User ID Register Report'

  • Status changed:
    Thanks for the Idea. We would love for other users to vote and leave further comments.
  • This is an important report to be able to put your hands on - please implement.

  • Hello,


    AccountRight doesn't currently offer any reports that provide user access setting details, nor does it allow to export out this information. At the moment, the only means of obtaining this information is thevery small User Access window itself.


    Could you please consider adding a report for the User Access Setting Data to the AccountRight software to allow  this information to be printed and exported to a new date file? Thanks.


    Regards, Doris Buck

    "User Access Setting Details"

  • Any update on reporting User Access and assigned roles?