deb_acct's avatar
Experienced Cover User
9 years ago

Search: Ability to search by job name



One of the aspects of MYOB that I find slows me down considerably is the need to know numbers instead of being able to search by name.   I was able to do this on another accounting package that I used to use.


Eg.  When entering invoices it would be far quicker to be able to search for "Job Name" alphabetically from job list instead of having to know/find the actual job number


Also when creating a card it would be simpler to type "job materials" instead of needing to know/find the number from the chart of accounts.


This feature would really save the user alot of time when entering purchase/sales/payroll information.


Please consider this as I really miss this feature from my old accounting package.


"Search by Job Name (Sales/Purchases/Payroll Screen) and by Account name (Sales/Purchases/Payroll Screens)'

  • chw's avatar
    Cover User

    we are currently allocating more than 100 jobs in MYOB. but sometimes it is really hard to find the job number when input data in PURCHASE or SALES function. 2 reasons


    - there is a limitation on JOB's name, so some of jobs have similar names, but hard to identify each other if there is a limited letters on Job's name

    - there is no search function for JOB when input PURCHASE or SALES. for example, we have 100+ jobs, and when we received one bill, it related to 50 jobs, so i need to record 50 lines in the PURCHASE section, but it takes a lot of time to go through the list when input JOB NUMBER. 


    we are using XERO as well. for XERO


    1. there is no limited letters when input JOB NAME, so, we can put the whole name in the JOB NAME section

    2. there is a search function when input JOB NUMBER in SALES and PURCHASE. Using same example, after input one line for particular job in the invoice, if i know this line is related some job named "red", in the JOB section, i can type in RED, then all the jobs have RED in thier names will be shown up, maybe narrow down to 3 or 4 options, then i only need to select one from these 3 or 4 options, it saved a lot of times.


    i am using MYOB for more than 7 years, only using XERO for few months...

    • OzTara's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      MYOB job number add and search function is ridiculously poor. It doesn't error out when a wrong key is it, it just defaults to whatever it wants. It doesn't replace the job number if you change it to a new one, you have to key it in AGAIN. You can't search for job details etc. to choose the right job to allocate to.


      Another issue MYOB has long failed at and still hasn't fixed.


      I emailed a long list of similar issues about 3 years ago and they clearly don't care as its not been fixed.

  • AlanT's avatar
    Ultimate Partner



    Hi Deb,


    Did you realise that the Job Number is actually a 15 charater alpha numberic field?


    I don't use numbers for my job codes but alpha characters and thismaks things a lot easier.




    P.S.  If you already have a number of jobs set up you can just edit the Job Number using alpha codes and you won't have to re-set them up again.



  • deb_acct's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Thanks AT


    My accountant advised me to use numbers instead of names.  Although to be honest there are times when I think Alpha would be easier.   For this reason I have set up numeric jobs with an alpha description.   It would be so much easier if I could search the alpha description.   I might have another look at this though....thank you 

  • AlanT's avatar
    Ultimate Partner



    You can also change your preferences so you select the accounts by name rather than account number.


    Go to Setup » Preferences and select the Windows tab and enable the option called Select and Display Account Name, Not Account Number:





  • KRS-Kez's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    To get the job number if not known you can go to "lists" on the task bar & type the name & Job numbers involving your search name will appear.


    Also I send a PDF file to all my co-ordination team & then they search using CTRL F to search for clients by name, eliminating the need to remember job numbers.


    Hope this is helpful.

  • This is a must in the construction industry, we have just migrated across from Xero, solely for the Job Numbers - a tradesman just walked in to ask me what job number is for 22 Smith Street - I couldnt tell him?

  • I prefer a search field within the drop-down of the job numbers while I am entering 400 pax payroll.  I don't want to have to flick screens back and forth to the "Lists".

  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone


    When selecting jobs using the AccountRight browser interface users will be searching by job numbers or names.