APTNZ's avatar
9 months ago

Ability to generate a Receipt

It would be exceptionally helpful if there was an option to be able to generate a receipt for clients who have paid (with the amount owing showing as $0.00). 

This is often a requirement for people who pay invoices from their own funds, then apply for their workplace to pay them back for it. 

1 Comment

  • Hi APTNZ,


    Thank you for your post, and welcome to the Community forum.


    We understand the importance of having the ability to generate a receipt for clients who have paid, especially when the amount owing is $0.00. This feature would indeed be valuable for individuals seeking reimbursement from their workplace after paying invoices from their own funds. We value our customers' suggestions and feedback, and we'll convey these suggestions to the relevant team that handles system feature updates and enhancements.


    If you have any more ideas or specific details you'd like to add, please feel free to share. Your feedback helps us improve and better cater to our users' needs.


