Dave100000's avatar
11 years ago

Bank feeds: Ability to delete transactions

Yes deleting bank feeds would be fantasic right now!

For some reason my bank feeds have dates on transactions don't match my actual bank statement dates. (I'm asking my bank about this)

This makes it hard to reconcile my accounts and put the correct data in for quarterly bas returns!

Please a simple 'delete' option next to each bank feed would be great, like you have for manually imported bank statements?


"Re: Deleting transactions from bank feeds"

  • Why is there no option to delete an individual bank transaction in Essentials that has been imported from a bank feed?


    I understand that at present the entire day has to be deleted.


    If users had the ability to do this in MYOB Essentials it would save the MYOB team a lot of work and it would save my business 19 hours of waiting for a resolution for a very very simple task.


    "Ability to delete individual bank transactions from feed"


    • StormDance's avatar
      Contributing Cover User

      When I import statements I check the balance in MYOB before allocating any transactions and then if it doesn't agree I delete the import, open it in notepad, delete the transactions that MYOB has imported twice and then import the same file again.

    • I am hoping to bump this up again - it's super frustrating.  Particularly if a client has imported some transactions that you can clearly see have been doubled up in error.  

  • has this been fixed, I have customers on myob essentials and can't delete double up on bank transactions, so you can not do the bank rec????

  • Suja_P's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hi Kylie123,


    I understand you would like to be able to easily delete Bank Feed transactions.


    Unfortunately this still needs to be done through the MYOB Bank Feeds team. Generally speaking there should never be a duplicate bank feed. If you are finding there are some duplicate entries these may be due to some transactions being brought in by manual Imports. 


    If so you can certainly delete manual imports from your Essentials file. The following link to the the Essentials Help Centre has more information on Deleting Imported Bank Statements.


    I hope this helps. Please do post again should you have any further queries.


    Also please take a moment to vote on this idea (top left hand corner) so that our developers get a good idea of how many users would like the flexibility to delete automatic Bank Feeds.



    MYOB Support

  • This solution is not good enough, due to client importing bank transactions that overlapped by one transaction (dates were not overlapped, but sometimes bank dates change from one day to the next when downloading) after she allocated all 3 months of transactions, we could not bank reconcile in Essentials due to this 1 entry sitting there as a double!!, so do your solution and DELETE the whole bank import, which losses all allocations and have to start again from the frist download as we had to go to bank and do the download from the opening date of download no. 1 to the closing date of download no. 2 so that we did not get any double up dated transactions.  The more and more clients I get on Essentials the more more I hate its restrictions on the most basic of accounting software abilities.  The Bank Reconciliation is so unflexible in this product.  I do not recommend this product still as it is yes simple but so unflexible it makes it very hard to produce accurate and timely accounts.  Argh!

  • Hi, I have a duplicate transaction in my bank feed, how can I delete it? I have checked my bank and there isn't any duplicate transaction on the statement. 

  • Emile's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hi Brisbaneroofer 


    Is this just one transaction that has duplicated in the Bank Feeds?


    There was an issue last week that caused some trasactions to duplicate but this should have been fixed by now and the duplicate removed.


    If it is still showing in the transaction list I suggest contacting our Bank Feeds team on 1300 555 931, option 2, option 3.

  • Please allow deletion of bank feed transaction lines in MYOB Essentials to Advisors.  In changing or setting up Essentials for clients we have setup the bank feeds earlier than the start date to ensure it works and then I'm having to contact MYOB to have MYOB get rid of them.  This is a waste of MYOB's resources when I could do it if the functionality was available.


    Teresa Manning

    MYOB Partner

  • I want to be able to hide transaction in my Bank feed (as you can in AccountRight) This is because I occasionally use the wrong credit card for a person purchase.


    "Ability to hide a transaction in Bank feeds (like you can do in AccountRight)"