Payrolluser's avatar
9 months ago

Bank transactions page

The update to the bank transactions page is horrible. Please reverse it back to the previous version. The reason's are:

- The page used to be so clear to look at - now it's far too busy but at the same time you see half as much.

- Now there's a massive header that takes up half the page and means you can only see a limited number of transactions at a time. The header doesn't contain information that is necessary to be shown all of the time, so unfreeze it. 

- When you're in a transaction, then you can't even see all the options in that transaction and have to scroll up and down on the half page that's it's shown on.

- When you are trying to allocate a transaction and want to scroll for a code you can only see one or two code options at a time - I want to be able to see at least 10 so I know what category I'm in and the other options either side.

- I also hate the bold of the transactions that are not yet coded - it makes the page look far too busy.


I am considering moving to a different accounting platform because all your updates have been that s**t. I don't think I have found a good change yet. Please just change everything back to the way it was before.


  • Hi Payrolluser,


    Thank you for your post, and welcome to the Community forum.


    We appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback with us regarding the recent update to the bank transactions page. We understand that changes can be challenging, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused.


    Your detailed feedback is valuable to us, and we want you to know that we take user feedback seriously. We will make sure to convey your concerns about the clarity, layout, and functionality of the updated page to the team responsible for system feature updates and enhancements.


    Thank you for bringing these issues to our attention. If you have any more specific details or suggestions, feel free to share them, and we'll do our best to address them in future updates. We hope to regain your satisfaction with our platform.




  • FIFO's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I support this idea - the dropdown box showing only at best 2 codes is totally inadequate


    Also why isn't the Bank Description Field editable? One can overwrite it but the overwrite is not saved and reverts to the original

  • Genreve_S's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi FIFO


    Thanks for the insight into this suggestion. 


    We appreciate you pointing out this part of the suggestion as this could help tremendously in finding the right updates. Any additional information would be much appreciated. As mentioned by Princess_R, this feedback is taken very seriously and is being discussed internally. 


    Feel free to create a new thread if you need any other assistance. 


