qsfarms's avatar
3 years ago

Chart of accounts: Move up or down accounts between levels

In the Essential Business Pro Package currently it is not possible to just bump an account up or down levels.  This is a basic function of the AccountRight Plus software and is critical to the reporting funtionality.  Without an easy and quick way to modify levels a process of creating headers is the only way and it still doesn't allow bumping down to level 3 or 4 if you are chasing very detailed reports.


I have had to unsubscribe from the essentials package and go for Account Right again, which is more than twice the rpice, although my business is small.  


The levels are there, they just cant be changed, it dseems like an eay fix for MYOB developers to make the functionality of the package considerably better.


The Screen shot shows Chart of Accounts with Level Column showing.  The Screen shot 2 shows what happens when you click Edit Accounts, and Screen Shot 3 is when you click edit on a specific account.  No option to edit Level.




"Change the Level of an Account easily in the Chart of Accounts"

  • Hi Ben,


    To make an account go to to another level you select the parent account you want it to sit under.


    For example if you want your "1-1310 Spat OFF Farm at Cost" to be level 4, listed under your level 3 "1-1300 Stock Inventory".  You will need to edit "1-1310 Spat OFF Farm at Cost" and in its edit window select "1-1300 Stock Inventory" as its Parent header

  • You can export the list to excel and remove the dash using power query. Then based on numbers 1,2,3,4 you can filter your report. You can do this ideally in Power BI.

    (Behrouz Aftabigilvan)