TRG's avatar
Cover User
3 years ago

Contacts: Increase the Name field character limit

In the new Essentials the number of characters for customer names (company and individual) appears to limited (this was never an issues in the old Essentials).   We have a client that sells assets that require financing and the financers oftern request the full name to be inlcuded in the tax invoice.  We have reverted to using Excel to prepare tax invoices.  MYOB please fix this as a matter of urgency!



  • Wow..... I am gobsmacked that MYOB suggestion of using abbreiveations!!!!


    Do they realise that some clients will not pay because I do not have the correct name of the trust/entity listed as the addressee? 


    I have had recent invoices rejected when I have put the Trust/Entity in the notes section. Wake up MYOB! 


    Now I have to download and amend the Invoice to the correct name in Adobe Pro. As you can imagine, then it doesn't marry up with the name in the Software, now MYOB's not so easy to use!!!


    This was never an issue before the update, now it is and I can't edit anyone of my existing contacts as the name is already too long, but the system leaves it there and caters for more than 49 characters. ???? So what up with that?? 



  • TRG's avatar
    Cover User

    Hi @Celia_B and Paulie_ACS 


    Once again another rubbish response from MYOB.  This is clearly a problem that has been known by MYOB for at least 18 months (and was not an issue until MYOB essentials was upgraded back in October 2021, or there abouts).   Obviously the developers at MYOB forgot to consider what the end user may need!


    Unfortunately your response of "if you do have a name that is longer than that, I would recommend using abbreviations or use the description field" indicates that MYOB does not understand their user needs.  For example, a client that currently uses MYOB, sells second hand machinery which is often financed given the significant value and the lenders require the full name to be shown on the tax invoice (ourclient regularly cant do this as the customer character filed is limited to 49 characters and consequently a tax invoice is prepared outside of MYOB to satisfy the needs of the financer).  I have raised these concerns on the community forum, raised it with support, our MYOB practice partner and our MYOB sales specialist, and get told we will raise it with the relevant team!  


    It has come to a point that our client is considering moving to Xero as they allow 249 characters (from memopry) in the customer details, given the lack of customer understanding shown by MYOB.







  • HI Paulie_ACS 


    Thanks for your post. And sorry that you had that experience. 


    I understand that your having an issue with the character limit on the  Company Name fields. MYOB Business does not allow to increase in the company name character limit. Currently, the character limit for the company name field is 49 characters including spaces. If you do have a name that is longer than that, I would recommend using abbreviations. However, you can use the description to put a longer name. The description field allows you to have up to 255 characters. 


    I hope this help. And rest assured that we relay your concern to our relevant team for suggestions.


    Feel free to post again, We'll be happy to assist you.


    If my response has answered your inquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information.


    Best Regards, 



  • I'll tell you what MYOB are doing about this.......Nothing!


    I have emailed them, tried to call several times, emailed them, then finally I got a reply email asking me for all the stuff I had already supplied them with in the previous email. Screenshots, account info, etc.... only for them to come back to me and ask me to call them....How, you can't get through! Possibly because they are attending to the several thousand people who are not happy with their **bleep** software. 


    Once I figure out how to export all of my info from Myob, I'm out. 

  • This is a big problem for me too and has been since I received the upgrade in December 2022. A lot of my customers have long names and the character limits is infuriating.


    I have just noticed that the first post on this thread was dated December 2021. So this has been an issue for MYOB Business users since then and MYOB still hasnt fixed it.





  • So, whats the answer?? I have a number of trusts I have to edit and approx $100k I cannot currently invoice. 


    What is MYOB doing about this?? 

  • This is really frustrating - I have this issue as well! 

    Character limits in so many places (including notes fields). 

  • MYOB essentials - It looks as though the characterd limit in the company name field has been reduced. When I try to update a customers contact details, I can't because the company name field no longer excepts the same number of characters in the company name that it did before the recent software upgrade. I get this error …."One or more fields exceed the maximum character limit."  Which means I can longer fit in the company's full details/name which is often required by the customer for finance purposes. It also means I cannot save any new/updated details without changing the company name to less than 50 characters. This mean the company name in now incomplete/incorrrect. 

    • ScotchMist's avatar
      Cover User

      As you can see by the screenshot I inclued as an example, the company name already exists in the system but it won't exept any contact details upates as there are too many characters now.