smileykylie1982's avatar
Trusted User
7 months ago

Email field in contacts is very annoying - why?

Why isn't the email field simple selectable and editable text?


When I start typing a new email address in this field, if I click off the field it puts whatever text I have entered even if it is incomeplete into a non-selectable and non-editable format. This is quite annoying if I need to alt-tab to another window to refer to the email address mid typing. To change it I need to remove the text and start again.


When I start typing a new email address in this field, if I backspace it out and press backspace one too many times an entire email address is deleted and this can be catastrophic as in many cases I need to search through months of emails to find the correct ones again. If I don't email my invoices to the all correct people, they don't get paid.

  • Hi smileykylie1982,


    Thank you for your post and your patience in waiting for a response.


    We haven't received any widespread reports of difficulties when entering or changing the email address of each contact. However, this could potentially be due to the browser you're using.


    We recommend using a different browser, such as Google Chrome, as this issue seems to be a display problem with certain browsers. Alternatively, you could try clearing your browser cache before attempting to enter the email address.


    If you continue to experience this issue, please submit a support request via My Account.


    Feel free to create a new post again if you need further assistance.


