Kylie_H's avatar
Cover User
6 months ago

Generating a Pay Now link from an Order

I found this below post back from March 2021. Has it been reselved yet?
Can we generate a Pay Now link from an Order (even if we had to log in to MYOB online, instead of from our Accountright where we do everything)?
This would be a good workaround for now, to the fact that the Pay Now button cannot be sent via email if emailing an order or quote, only once the job is converted to an invoice.
We are currently not able to accept MYOB payments for quote or order deposits/payments, meaning we need to have various methods of payment instead of keeping in the one system.
MYOB you are also losing out on your fees this way.
Surely, this is common practice for companies to have quotes in their system, that then are converted to orders once they are given the go ahead, and the ORDER is in production, then they are converted to invoices once the order is complete and the goods are being dispatched. We cannot change to invoices just to be able to send a payment button in email, or we will have heaps of jobs sitting as invoices (closed off jobs), and not open orders, we wouldn't know what jobs are still in progress, and don't think we should have to bring in another program to monitor this, we use MYOB the way we thought it was meant to be utulitised to it's full capacity (even using the MYOB Create PO button would not work to create all the purchase orders in Suppliers for all the stock if it was an invoice, this only works as an Order). This is a massive design flaw, and needs to be sorted.

I spoke on the phone with MYOB a couple of months ago and was told the Pay Now button simply won't appear on Orders or Quotes, it will need to be invoiced. This is not a solution.
If more of us speak up, maybe they will push to solve this quicker.






March 2021

Generating a Pay Now link from an Order
Looking at using the MYOB Credit card and BPay portal. Can I generate the Pay Now link when the transaction is still an order? Even if a client needs to pay a deposit it would be handy to generate the payment link  before we convert to invoice. We want to keep an order as an order until its paid and then we go into production once paid. I can use another payment portal but it woudl be nice if it was flexible enough to use MYOB for prepayments. 

Hi Jocke

Currently, the Online Payments option can only be enabled for invoices and not orders. However, we appreciate your feedback around this and will pass it on to the relevant teams.

Feel free to post should you have other queries or suggestions. 

Kind regards,


  • MikeG1's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Kylie_H, I have moved your post to the product ideas board.
    To your point, the move people that vote on the idea, the higher the priority it will have with our developers
    I will pass this to the product manager for Online Invoice Payments as well so that they can review the feedback - thanks!