Dear MYOB,
Here is a great idea, fix MYOB "NEW ESSENTIALS" to how OLD essentials was
- The process of printing an invoice to PDF now has 2 extra steps where before was One button press "print"
- The bank transactions now when allocating to an invoice no longer record in the invoice the bank feed description to reference quickly but reference "CPXXXXXX" making it harder to cross check things. This is a departure from the previous MYOB Essentials
- AUTO consecutive number for Invoices & Quotes has disappeared. MYOB randomises the number and makes both quotes & invoices the same numbering system. It is bizarre
- Quotes or Invoices can no longer have the customer name changed once saved
- The Description field in Quotes/Invoices is far too narrow. Widen it similar to OLD essentials
Everything in old essentials was far better than your so called NEW upgraded essentials