TRG's avatar
Cover User
10 years ago

Purchases: Recipient Created Tax Invoices

Hi MYOB Community,


Is there any chance that MYOB Essentials can be improved so that users can create a recipient created tax invoicie.


Thanking you in advance

  • This a must needed feature in MYOB Essentials 

  • Yes! I issue lots of these so it would be great if MYOB had them set up. Creating a bill as an RCTI is often confusing for the supplier when they receive it. Despite me putting in the notes explaining it. 

    Can't see how to actually vote for this? 

  • Hi MYOB .... this has been 5 years as a change ...... are we going to get any traction on getting this included or do we have to seek another package to cater for RCTIs.  I am constantly raising RCTIs for my business and spend a lot of time with the MYOB "workaround"  it seems with the constant annual increases in subscription I am getting no increased in functionality

  • I used to use MYOB AccountEdge Pro, where I have some doctors works at my practice (as supplier of medical servcie) and i used to pay them service fees as percent of their billing into the business. 

    In Account Edge, I was able to create receipient (my practice) created tax invoice on behalf of the doctor (service supplier) and then EMAIL  that RCT invoice to the supplier (the doctor). Now trying to move all my account to MYOB essential online version (as AccoutEdge will not be supported anymore). I find that this option of creating and more importantly "emailing" this RCT receiptient created tax invoice is NOT THERE ! 


    any help ! ?