Kellie2's avatar
Experienced User
5 years ago

Sales: In Tray - Attach documents

I'm a new user to MYOB. When creating an invoice it would be great if I could attach my own document to the invoice, a document not to be sent to the client, just retained on the customer file.


  • I am a farmer.  90% of our sales are made wherby the receiver produces a Recipient Created Tax Invoice (RCTI).  To be able to bring these into an In Tray and attach them to our Invoice is extremely desirable but not available in Business Essentials.


    I would very much like this feature for my own business but there must be hundreds of others dealing with RCTI's as well as farmers.  What can we do?

  • Am able to attach a Supplier Invoice or Attachments to an MYOB "Purchase"
    Am NOT able to attach a Customer Purchase Order or Attachment to an MYOB 'Sale"

  • Please create a feature to allow attaching a client's PO to invoices we create. The idea being when we submit invoices to the client they can refer to their original PO relating to that specific invoice. In other words, we can email our invoice and the client's related PO at the same time. In any event, it is only logical that client POs be attached to invoices. This is not disimilar to the "Intray" under "Purchases."

    • We have been hoping this would become available since the addition of attachments to Purchase orders.

      This would be fabulous - and since already applied to POs surely not a difficult add on to Invoices 


      Please action ASAP :)

    • I am having the same issue with a client who requires their purchase order number on the invoice. I have been adding "p/o #####" to my recurring invoice in the transaction line hoping I'll remember to add it when I enter invoice.

  • Please please action the ability to attach client Purchase Orders to a Sales invoice exactly the same as the attach supplier invoices to Purchases function.


    • Please please action the ability to attach client Purchase Orders to a Sales invoice exactly the same as the attach supplier invoices to Purchases function.

    • I am surprised that this isn't a standard feature. This idea has beed requested in the past and yet still has not been implemented.


      Can you please advise if there is any intentions that this will be added on in the near future?

  • Please include a feature to attach PDF to Invoices - This is particularly useful to attach RCIP created tax invoices, sales orders, design documents, part payment receipts etc