JulieBeans's avatar
11 years ago

Search: Invoice description in Invoices window

I, and others would find it helpful, if we were able to search for an invoice by entering a name or keyword, we expect would be in it.


Example, we do a lot of shipping service work for a fishing company.  The invoices all go to the company, but they have many ships we service.  I cannot see a way, that we could search that companies, hundreds of invoices....by a single ship name or keyword.  For later refernce of what work we have performed in the past.  Can this functionality be implemented?


"Searching invoice details by a keyword"

  • JaniPeti's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    It is now March 2021, 7 years after initial request & still no progress from MYOB.

    I have wanted this feature also for many years now but repeated requests seem to fall on deaf ears at MYOB which has been my experience on several other issues as well. I often wonder what I'm paying over $100 a month for. Very dissapointing.


  • Hi


    Is there a way that you can please incorporate a search for the description of both sales and purchases.  We can do several orders and sales for the same customer and/or supplier and short of looking in every order or sale there is no easy way of finding specific things.  Our previous program had the feature and it was a big shock to then go to MYOB and have to go through each item in the register.  It is very time consuming. 


    Also we use COD sales for customers that are one off sales that walk in off the street.  But unless we put their name in the purchase order number section, there is no way of searching to find them again.  Would be awesome if the search feature was to search all the details on the sales and purchases side including the names or there was a name section that we could use that could be seen from the register screen. 


    Hope you can implement it soon!!!!





  • LCrowhurst's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    JulieBeans wrote:

    I, and others would find it helpful, if we were able to search for an invoice by entering a name or keyword, we expect would be in it.


    Example, we do a lot of shipping service work for a fishing company.  The invoices all go to the company, but they have many ships we service.  I cannot see a way, that we could search that companies, hundreds of invoices....by a single ship name or keyword.  For later refernce of what work we have performed in the past.  Can this functionality be implemented?


    "Searching invoice details by a keyword"

    We have been wanting/asking for this for ages as we too have often needed to search for hardware we might have supplied to a client but so far nothing🥺😢

  • JaniPeti's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    This is something I have requested many time over many years to no avail. It seems to fall on deaf ears.

    The reason MYOB won't do it is because they are more interested in price gouging their customers every month with their exhorbitant monthly fee and raking in a profit than actually providing increased and useful functionality.