TSGTanya's avatar
Trusted Cover User
2 years ago

Viewing more than one documents without downloading them

Under the new online login, when I open a bill or spend money, under the source document/Open split view, there no way to view all attachments in the window. We have to download them to view them which is inconvenient. 

  • Princess_R's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi TSGTanya 


    Thank you for your post. We appreciate your insights  about having this view option on our system. We will raise this through our developer team to see if this feature can be added. Rest assured that we are open to suggestions and we will provide communications and updates when this feature is implemented to our software.




    Please feel free to post again I'll be happy to assist.





  • saintjohnny's avatar
    Contributing User

    Has this been done yet?

    It is annoying to only see a single source document in split view and having to individually download any other attachments.

    Please allow multiple attachments on a single bill to be seen in split view.

    Regards John

  • Hi saintjohnny,


    Thank you for your post and welcome to the Community Forum.


    I see that this issue has caused frustration, and we do apologize for the inconvenience. As of now, we cannot provide a timeframe for when this feature will be available on our product. We encourage you to please take a moment to post on the MYOB Business Ideas and Exchange board for consideration. Kindly click on this link. Rest assured that we are doing our best to improve and provide excellent service and enhance our services to better meet your needs.  


    If you still need assistance, or if you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. We are happy to help. 


    Kind Regards, 




  • Hi saintjohnny,


    Thank you for getting back to us. We understand how important this is to you in your business. Again, we apologize for the inconvenience this has caused you. Our team still working on this. Rest assured that once we have an update, we will post it on the Community Forum product update.  


    If you need assistance in the future, or if you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to create a new post. We are happy to help.


