Reports: Employee Leave Entitlement Balance report
Can MYOB design & include in Essentials: Entitlement Balance detail report which shows A] by pay period, and B] for each leave type: employee name, opening balance leave hours, leave hours accrued, leavehours taken, leave available hours (cumulative). Please base design on "Entitlement Balance (detail) report" which is in Account Edge Pro v13.5 "MYOB Essentials - to provide Leave Entitlement Balance Detailed Report"13KViews61likes24CommentsReport: Payroll activity - list alphabetically by last name
Who was the genius that decided that a payroll report should list employees alphabetically baed on their first name instead of their surname? MYOB have never done this before (for good reason). No other accounting report or ATO report or any report lists employees alphabetically based on their first name. If there is a good reason for it, I certainly cannot see it. Please either change the alphabetical listing in the reports to be based on surnames, or give the user the ability to edit the way that the reports are listed like Xero does? "Payroll activity report listed alphabetically using surname (NOT first name)"1.7KViews44likes5CommentsEmployees: Ability to set a default extra (PAYG) tax amount
I have an employee that wants to have an extra $10 of tax withheld from his pay each week. The ATO form has an option for tax to be withheld at a particular percentage, or for tax to be increased by a fixed amount. The Support chat line clarified that LiveAccounts currently only supports the percentage option. We will need to vary the tax withheld each week manually., I would like to see an enhancement to allow for the increased withholding by a fixed amount. This would seem fairly straightforward and would make weekly payroll simpler for us. Thanks Scott "Withholding Variation - Fixed Amount"5.9KViews33likes9CommentsReport: Superannuation accrual amounts
It would be really handy to have a something available in Essentials like in AR the super by fund summary report. Currently I use the payroll summary report as this is the only report available. It works fine as it shows the super for that month, but I am always flicking back to the employee contact details to see the super fund and member number for each employee. "Super report"6.1KViews31likes6CommentsEmployees: Notes - increase character limit
Hi we have just had the 1st of 4 files migrated to the new version of Essentials. We have been eagerly awaiting all the new featuresthat would make life easier but we are disappointed to see some of the good points about the old version have gone. The notes section of the employee file has a reduced character limit so much so that the notes on one employee file that were imported from the old version have had to be cut & pasted to a word document as they were too large for the field & tech support are unable to tell me how charaters can go in the field The payslip (& whole payroll process) was much simpler in the old version. We would like to be able to edit the payslip template or if you could just make it look like the old version including logo that would be fantastic We would like to be able to add our logo to the remittance advice as well If we can edit the invoice template why cant we edit the payslip & remittance templates? It is great that we can now have TOIL & LSL accruals & recurring journals but I wish you could have kept the good features from the old version that have been removed. We would love the simplicity of the old version with the added features of the new "Payroll & templates in New Essentials"3.9KViews27likes6CommentsReport: Pay item transactions - Include hours worked
I used to be able to get hours worked on the Pay Items transaction report. The new version only has dollars. I contacted online support and received the following response: I have looked at report and have found Unfortunately, Due to update, this feature has ben removed, there is no way to include it in that report. It is very disappointing when an "upgrade" takes away a useful feature that is used. Please return this functionality. "Pay items report should still include hours worked"3.7KViews25likes7CommentsPayslips: Email to another source as well as employee
We as MYOB partners process payroll for our clients, and some of our clients are used to getting payslip copies for each employee for every payrun. This option was available in the old essentials version, but after the new essentials version came out, the multiple emailing of payslips option has been removed. Currently only employees are getting the payslips. Please could this option be reinstated, as this helps clients in perusing the payslips without having to log into the MYOB dashboard. Further when the payslips are in their inbox, they can refer to all payslips for a particular employee if they need to consider it. Thanks Fred "Emailing payslip copies to client as well as to the employees"2.8KViews24likes4CommentsPayroll: Bulk print employee pay slips
Hi , is there a reason you can tick all employees to email payslips in batch but you cannot tick all to print in a batch . You have to open each employees payslip PDF then print. I print a payslip for each employee for my client and opening 10 PDFs each payrun is a pain . "Printing bulk payslips new essentials"3.2KViews24likes2Comments