KnowBooksKnow's avatar
3 years ago

Payslips: Email to another source as well as employee

We as MYOB partners process payroll for our clients, and some of our clients are used to getting payslip copies for each employee for every payrun. This option was available in the old essentials version, but after the new essentials version came out, the multiple emailing of payslips option has been removed.


Currently only employees are getting the payslips.


Please could this option be reinstated, as this helps clients in perusing the payslips without having to log into the MYOB dashboard. Further when the payslips are in their inbox, they can refer to all payslips for a particular employee if they need to consider it.




"Emailing payslip copies to client as well as to the employees"

  • JDCC's avatar
    Contributing User

    Having the ability to email payslips to more than one person in the one transaction would be great to have back again with the new upgrade.

  • Completely agree.

    It was such a useful function in the old Essentials version and now we have to manually download pay slips and email them to our clients.  This is done for multiple clients with multiple employees.


    Has MYOB looked into putting this feature back in?

  • Gotta  love an upgrage that REMOVES features. 
    I used tyis to achive the companies copy of payslips.

    BTW MYOB, when you make changes like this you need to tell users.