Hello Tamica and JulieMacdonald
If you are expecting a transaction from your bank feeds and it hasn't come through, I would make sure that the transaction is showing at your Bank's end i.e. it's on your Internet Banking/bank statement. If it's not listed then we do recommend speaking with your bank.
Should that transaction be listed at the Bank's end, I would make sure that the transaction is not listed in the Bank transactions window. The best way to check is to go to the Bank transactions window and set the following filters - Bank account: All, Status: All transactions, Date: a suitable date range (would do it a few days on either side as well), and nothing in the Search.
Should that transaction still not be appearing, we would need to get a screenshot of the bank transactions window showing that transaction is not listed along with a screenshot of the Internet Statement/bank statement showing that transaction. With this information, we can pass that across to our internal team to look into that transaction(s) and potentially if required speak to your bank in relation to that transaction.