Forum Discussion

sues0204's avatar
Trusted Cover User
3 years ago

GST Report in Business does not agree to GST Detail Report

I have started using MYOB Business in a small way for some things like bank reconciliations etc.  However, as we use inventory, we cannot switch over completely.  

I thought that I'd use the Business reports to reconcile GST before lodging the BAS, but after some time in trying to figure out why GST did not reconcile, have discovered that GST reported on GST Report (from MYOB Business) does not agree to the GST Detail Report generated through AccountRight.  Both are set to Cash basis, for the same period.  There are not any different tax codes showing in one and not the other, the amounts are just different (not significantly, but enough that the GST balance does not reconcile if I use the Business reports).
I have it on my "to do" list to go through and cross-check each detailed transaction, but I just don't have time to do it today, I need to lodge the BAS and will do so using the AccountRight reports.

I also noticed that the Accounts Receivable with Tax report (MYOB Business) was listing an invoice that was paid back October 2021.  The corresponding AccountRight report does not have this error.

Seems like there is some work to be done by MYOB to correct the reporting in MYOB Business?

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  • SamaraM's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hi sues0204 


    Thank you for your post. Can you confirm if you create Recipient Created Tax Invoices (RCTI)? The reason I ask is because the GST report in AccountRight is based on transaction type (for example, bill or invoice), whereas the GST report in the browser has been designed to display transactions based on account type (income, expense etc), so that could be the cause of the difference between the reports.


    For more details on how it works, check out our Help Article: Why the GST report in the browser is different to AccountRight desktop.


    If the difference is not caused by an RTCI transaction, feel free to reply with the last FOUR digits of your Serial Number and a copy of both reports and I can assist you further. Make sure sensitive information is removed from screenshots prior to posting on the public Forum.

    If my response has answered your enquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information.

    • sues0204's avatar
      Trusted Cover User

      Hi Samara, thank you for your feedback.  

      We don't create RCTI.  And in fact the net totals on the two reports are different to each other, it is not simply a difference in the allocation of the tax between income and expenses.

      I will try to find some time to analyse the two reports and find where the variance is coming from, and re-post here when I do.

      Thanks again.

      • SamaraM's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi sues0204 


        You're welcome, I hope my response was able to provide some insight into how the reports work. 


        Do let me know if you still need assistance after you have had a chance to analyse your reports.

        If my response has answered your enquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information.