Un-allocating a transaction
I'm having problems cancelling the current allocation of a bank transaction which should be matched to an invoice.
It was manually allocated incorrectly, and now I wish to correct this allocation.
When I use the 'unallocate' option or even the 'unmatch' option for the individual transaction it 'appears' to work and the bank transaction shows a different status.
HOWEVER, when I try to match the transaction to an invoice, (which also seems to work) it reverts to the original status of the incorrect allocation again. (As if I have not corrected it).
Therefore my invoice remains 'overdue' because some flag is not being reset.
I went to produce a video of the problem and the previous problem had cleared.
Which I'm afraid is good for me (I can ignore it and move on), but not particularly useful for troubleshooting what the issue was.
If it happens again, which was a rare entry error, I'll reopen the can of worms, but for now, my issue has cleared with no action from myself, except waiting a few days.
Many thanks for the follow up.