Annual Leave in negative but being Accrued
Employee changed about 3 weeks ago from casual to permanent part time so has just started accruing annual and sick leave.
She hasn't used any of either yet.
However while her sick leave is accruing as normal on her payslips the annual leave is appearing in minus and at quite a large amount.
Have attached sc.
Hi Embassy,
Thank you so much for your post and welcome to the Community Forum!
When the linked wage pay item for annual leave accrual is set to "base hourly," processing a pay run deducts hours entered against the base hourly from the annual leave accrual, resulting in a negative balance.
To correct this leave balance, you should calculate the total hours accrued from the employee's start date when they became entitled to annual leave accrual. Once you have this number, add it to the negative hours displayed on the employee's card file. Afterward, initiate a void pay transaction and enter the total positive hours against the annual leave accrual to rectify the balance.Feel free to post again, we're happy to help!